
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Celebrating Australian Non-fiction and Children's Books

We're continuing our celebrating Australia Day theme and featuring Aussie non-fiction and children's books on our blog.

Jo-Anne Berthelsen's husband, Lionel, reading her memoir 'Soul Friend'.

Ray Hawkins signing one of his devotion books.

Osheana with one of her favourite books, 'The Pink Pirate' by Michelle Worthington and Karen Mounsey-Smith

Sophia falling asleep reading 'Swallow Me, NOW!' by Melissa Gijsbers Khalinsky.

It's shout-out time and your turn to let us know the title of an Aussie non-fiction or children's book that you've recently read, or are planning to read in 2015.

I'm going to read Swallow Me, NOW! by Melissa Gijsbers Khalinsky as part of her ACRBA blog tour in March. 

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and lovely to see so many happy readers. Here's to Aussie books!


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