
Monday, 1 September 2014

ACW Birthday Celebrations Scavenger Hunt and $150 Gift Card Giveaway!

Stock image used with permission from TheMins
Narelle here. This week marks our blog's first anniversary and we're celebrating with an extra special birthday giveaway. One lucky reader will win a $150 Gift Card. Read on to discover how to participate in the ACW Scavenger Hunt and enter the Gift Card drawing.

We started our blog a year ago with group goals and a vision for the future. Our goals included:
  • Promoting Australasian Christian books and authors to a local and international audience. 
  • Providing insightful reviews of Christian books. 
  • Providing quality writing craft blog posts for aspiring authors.
  • Creating a Facebook group that connects writers, readers and builds community.
  • Working in partnership with Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance (ACRBA) to promote ACRBA book tours. 
ACRBA organises free blog tours for Christian fiction, non-fiction and childrens books. ACRBA members who blog regularly can request free review copies (print and/or electronic) and post a review of the book on their blog during the ACRBA tour week. 

ACRBA has created a new membership category called Friends of ACRBA. These members can support the authors and ACRBA by posting the ACRBA tour post on their blog. The only criteria for joining Friends of ACRBA is to have a blog and there's no minimum posting commitment. This category could suit the following people:
  • Current ACRBA members who aren't meeting the minimum 2 posts per week criteria on their blog. 
  • Authors who can't request review copies of books through ACRBA from their publisher due to a financial interest reviewing conflict. 
  • Bloggers, including authors and readers, who want to support authors but don't write or post reviews on their blogs.
If you have any questions about ACRBA or Friends of ACRBA, please ask in the comments below and check out our the post on Why Join a Blog Alliance?

More information on the ACRBA membership criteria can be found here.

ACW Birthday Scavenger Hunt - Win a $150 Gift Card!

Today we are starting our ACW Scavenger Hunt that will run over 5 days, September 1-5. You'll find a list of clues at the end of each post. The answers are on the ACW blog member's website that is listed with each clue. The grand prize is the $150 Gift Card (in Australian dollars, converted to USD for Amazon and NZD for Soul Inspirationz) that can be redeemed at one of the following stores:
The Scavenger Hunt closes at 2pm on Sunday, September 7 (AEST). The winner will be announced on Tuesday, September 9. 

Scavenger Hunt Entry Rules:
  1. Complete the Rafflecopter entry below.
  2. Complete the online form below with your personal details and all the answers to the clues. We respect your privacy and your information will not be shared.
  3. Leave a comment on this blog post, Monday September 1.
  4. Extra entries can be gained, up to a maximum of seven, by: following @ACWriters on Twitter, tweeting the giveaway, following the ACW blog, and leaving a comment on the blog posts each day from September 2 - 5.
  5. Only entrants with all the correct answers will be eligible to win the Gift Card. If no entrants meet this criteria, the entrants who scored the highest number of correct answers will be entered in the drawing.
  6. The Scavenger Hunt closes at 2pm on Sunday, September 7, 2014 (Australian Eastern Standard Time, AEST).
  7. The winner of the grand prize, $150 Gift Card (Australian dollars), will be announced on Tuesday, September 9, 2014.
Good luck! Don't forget to leave a comment on today's post, complete the online form and complete the Rafflecopter form to enter the drawing. 

As an extra special gift, we're giving away a $10 (US dollars) Amazon Gift Card from to a reader who leaves a comment on today's post. The $10 Amazon Gift Card giveaway closes at midnight on Sunday, September 7 (AEST). The winner will be announced on Tuesday, September 9.


Clue 1 from Jo-Anne Berthelsen: What is the name of my first non-fiction book?

Clue 2 from Ian Acheson: What is the name of the award Angelguard recently won?

Clue 3 from Mary Hawkins: What is the title of my book where the heroine's name is Brenda Sparks?

You'll find the next group of clues in tomorrow's post. Good luck!


  1. Happy Birthday ACW! Thank you Narelle, Jenny, Iola, Dotti and all who make this a fantastic place to uphold Australasian writers and readers

  2. Thanks, Cat :) It's hard to believe that it's a year since we launched. I hope you're all having fun finding the answers to the first set of clues. Some will be easier to find than others.

  3. I remember hearing you talk about having just launched this site at the Omega Conference last year. I had little idea who most of the authors listed above were back then - so much has been learnt over the past 12 months for me. And ACW has been a big part of that instruction. Thanks for all your work!

    1. Hi Cate, We're glad you've found ACW to be a helpful resource, and it has been great getting to know you :)

  4. Happy Birthday ACW I hope we become good friends! I'm off to HUNT :)

    1. Hi Deanna, You'll learn a lot about us as you explore our websites looking for answers to the clues. Thanks for joining in and happy hunting :)

  5. Yes, Happy Birthday to us all and where has this whole year gone? I am so thankful we're moving forward in learning and even teaching.

    God bless all you readers and contributors!

    1. Rita, I agree, this past year has flown by very fast! I've learned so much from everyone who has contributed to our blog :)

  6. Happy Birthday! You all are awesome!

    1. Hi Suzie, Thanks for stopping by to encourage us :)

  7. Happy Birthday to all. Thanks for a fun year.

  8. Happy birthday ACW! What a great first year we've had. Heartfelt thanks to the wonderful admin who've put in hours and hours to make it all happen. God bless you :)

    1. Thanks, Andrea :) A number of people have put a lot of work into the blog.

  9. Happy, happy day for all of us who gather here to encourage and learn together.

    I'm so proud of what we've achieved in one short year and very thankful to God for his blessing over this group.
    Looking forward to the great days ahead. :-)

  10. What a great achievement to build something so dynamic and encouraging in a year. Thank you to Narelle, Jenny, Iola, Dotti and everyone else who put the work in to establish this network.

    Happy Birthday ACW!

  11. Happy Birthday ACW!
    And thanks for this lovely birthday gift for all the contestants!

    1. Thanks, Janka :) Good luck in the drawing!

  12. Thanks for all the kind comments. don't forget to come back each day and comment to get more entries.

    1. Jenny, thanks for the reminder :) We're also having an extra special giveaway with Friday's post. There are lots of good things to look forward to on the blog this week.

  13. congrats on your first year the first year is always the hardest and you made it through thats huge!

    1. Thanks, Kirsten :) We're looking forward to a great second year. Good luck in the drawing!

  14. What a wonderful celebration! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Heidi :) Good luck in the drawing!

  15. Tuesday comment :)
    No, seriously: I am glad to participate in this scavenger hunt. Have already found some of the clues!

    1. Janka you can comment on each days post rather than having to come back to this post but this one will count. thanks for coming back and I am glad you are enjoying the hunt.

    2. Thank you very much for informing me, Jenny. I appreciate that! I will repost my today´s post to the Tuesday post so you don´t have to remember to count my post in, OK? Thank you again!

  16. I am excited to read about these different authors. Happy birthday to your blog and thanks for the opportunity to win.

    1. Thanks, Ellen :) Enjoy the scavenger hunt and good luck in the drawing!

  17. Happy Birthday! You've got an amazing blog here. Always great to visit and read about what's happening and be encouraged by people stories and comments. All the best of the second year!

    1. Thanks, Linsey :) I'm glad you find our blog encouraging. Good luck in the drawing!

  18. Happy Birthday ACW! A great one it shall be! Amazing blog!


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.