
Friday 31 July 2015

What Precedes Us As Writers When We Write

I was going to put words together with high concentration of spiritual notation. To my Young’s concordance I did go. My eyes roamed the section of ‘write’ and ‘writing’ plus ‘writer.’ Overwhelmed, I retreated. Then I glanced at words that led up to the one I was considering and this less spiritual devotional post was ‘born’. Hopefully, God in His mercy may use it to encourage we writers. For the price paid can be high to make our words mean something to someone and do something in their heart, mind and lifestyle.
Here’s the words preceding ‘Write’.


Do you really want to put fingers to the keyboard and begin the agony of a writer? Would you not rather be reading, gardening, watching a DVD? You would, but you cannot. For there is something inside which would not be denied.


This is always a writer’s reality. We experience the wounding of time that might have been spent doing other things. The wounds are caused by priorities, timetables and conviction motivating compulsion. Many do not see them but our heart and mind wear them.


As with needle and thread so our mind takes words and ideas mixed with experience to weave into sentences. Once the process has started it is relentless. The process goes on and on from bathroom to boardroom, unseen but unrelenting.


This could be the writer’s desire to wrap themselves up and forget the pain. Or it might be the person wraps their story up into a nice ‘edible’ bite. Then you find that the wrap gives way and out spills all that seemed enclosed, controlled.


If you have never felt this, lucky you. Whether it is unco-operative words, self-thinking computers or out of ink pens, all are capable of stirring this emotion. Then I could list many other facets over which my emotions can run riot as I face the next stage of my build up to being a writer who has written.


As I enter this contest it usually follows on from ‘wrath.’ Words taunt me. What I want to see on the page, when I put it there doesn’t look right. Nor does it sound right in dialogue or description and punctuation, O dear no! To pen sentences or concepts or some other issue can exhaust. But the writer must not give in to accepting the third-rate. The struggle must be won!


When you arise from the wrestling match (knowing others are in the clubhouse waiting their turn) the toll is emotionally high. Sometimes it is even physical. Hopefully, we are spared the relational price of making others feel like that, or they adding pain to our existing state.


There are times when I’ve felt like Gideon’s fleece – all wrung out. It is as though the waters of inspiration have gone and I’m exhausted. Do you feel like that at any time? Then, it occurs to me that I should wring out of my writing either the unwanted, unnecessary so that my readers are not distracted. Or maybe I need to wring out of my heart the refreshing ‘words of water’ that will quench the readers thirst. Determining what the wringing is meant to accomplish is the difficult part of the process.


The furrowed brow can produce wrinkles on the soul. We can age as we engage with our manuscript. When we look at the emerging masterpiece we may feel like Job ‘You have filled me with wrinkles’ (Job 16:8). However, for a writer wrinkles on the soul are a testimony of honour, perseverance and ultimately of joy.


When we realise that being a writer can, and more than likely will, have all those ‘W’s’ why would we bother? Ultimately it comes down to being another ‘W’ word. That is, a witness. Our stories, articles, poems become our way of sharing the wonderful news about Christ Jesus. A Christian writer isn’t in it for the acclaim or the money (though few of us would knock them back). We are called, motivated, compelled through our words and all the pain of the ‘W’ words to confront readers with the grace of our Lord.

Mary experiencing the 'W' phenomenon
So cheer up, your suffering is never in vain in the Lord’s service.


©Ray Hawkins July 2015.
Author of 6 themed devotionals
1 book of poems.


  1. Hi Ray. Thanks for unpacking all those 'W's that precede 'Write'. I enjoyed your take on them. Great words - and a great goal.

  2. Thanks Jeanette. W begins some great words for writers (and some tough ones too). May the good ones woo you.

  3. Hi Ray,
    Thanks for your 10 W's. I'm sure many of us can honestly say that we've been familiar with every single one, at different times.

  4. Greetings Paula. You know I never counted the number. 10 has a ring about it. Anyway, as you say, they express a writers walk and wilts which, hopefully work out winsomely and wonderfully. Thanks!

  5. Ray, great post! Thanks for sharing your encouraging words :)

  6. G'day Narelle. Always good to know there are those who read what we write. Words need ears to hear, eyes to peruse or fingers to touch then they can come alive in the imagination. Have a great day.


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