Welcome to the Genre Interview. Brisbane author Jeanette O'Hagan has agreed to answer our questions.
What genres do you write?

Jeanette: I mainly write fantasy fiction and poetry - though I do have an interest in memoir and non-fiction - and my first and only science fiction piece has just been published in the Mixed Blessings: Genre-lly Speaking anthology.
I am currently working on a sequel to my recent release Heart of the Mountain and on a fantasy fiction series Akrad's Legacy which is secondary world, courtly intrigue with fantasy elements.
What market do you write for (Christian or general, clean reads etc)?
Jeanette: My aim is for cross-over fiction - i.e. fiction that appeals to the people outside the church with a subtle faith element.
In which genres do you have books available for sale?
Jeanette: Fantasy fiction, a contemporary inspirational women's fiction anthology, mixed anthologies and poetry.

Jeanette: I have a fantasy fiction novella sized e-book (Heart of the Mountain, published August 2016) and also fantasy short stories, a contemporary inspirational short story and a number of poems available in nine different anthologies published between December 2015 and September 2016.
Are you published traditionally, indie, or hybrid?
Jeanette: I've Indie published the short novella (Heart of the Mountain) and two anthologies - Glimpses of Light (Nola Passmore and I edited GOL & a total of 21 authors contributed) and Let the Sear Roar (Madeleine Calcutt was the editor with a total of 9 authors). These books are published under my imprint By the Light Books.
I've also had stories and poems published in other anthologies by other publishers or groups: Tied in Pink and Like a Girl by Far Horizons, Another Time Another Place by Swinburne Students, Mixed Blessings: Genre-lly Speaking by Breath of Fresh Air Press, two poetry anthologies by Poetica Christi and one by FAWQ.
Did genre influence your decision to choose a particular publishing model?
Jeanette: No, not really - more opportunity.

Jeanette: Both - though the short novella is only available as an ebook & the three poetry anthologies are only available in print.
Why do you write what you write? Do you feel called to write?
Jeanette: I write what I love to read. I write to express my feelings and imagination. I write to celebrate my wonder in God's creation and in His love for us, His children. I write out of my love for story.
About 8 years ago, a door slammed shut on a ministry dear to my heart and, while I grieved that loss, God began whispering that He had other dreams and plans for me. Gradually, the door to writing opened as another way to express His call on my life. I learnt about and enrolled into a Masters course on Writing, I went to (what became) the Omega conference and met other Christian writers and discovered other opportunities -- to learn and to write and to be published. I do feel a calling to touch the imagination of readers and to seed a wonder and desire for God's beauty, presence and love.
I think fantasy fiction has great potential to share spirituality and Christian hope in a non-confrontational way.
Many thanks to Jeanete O'Hagan for sharing her thoughts on genre.
Jeanette O’Hagan enjoys writing fiction, poetry, blogging
and editing. She is writing her Akrad’s Legacy Series—a Young
Adult secondary world fantasy fiction with adventure, courtly intrigue and
romantic elements. She recently launched Heart of the Mountain: a short novella. Other short stories and poems are published in a number of
anthologies including Glimpses of Light, Another Time
Another Place and Like a Girl.
Jeanette has practised medicine, studied communication,
history, theology and, more recently, a Master of Arts (Writing). She loves reading,
painting, travel, catching up for coffee with friends, pondering the meaning of
life and communicating God’s great love. She lives in Brisbane with her husband
and children.
You can find her at her Facebook Page or at Goodreads or on Amazon or on her websites JennysThread.com or Jeanette O'Hagan Writes .
I love seeing your covers all together, Jenny, showing what a variety of books and publications you've appeared in, and kept true to your brand. Cross over fiction sounds like a good way to go. Looking forward to more.
ReplyDeleteThanks Paula :) Yes, a managed to write a fantasy for a history-themed anthology (Another Time Another Place) and like writing stories connected to my world. I like the idea of cross-over to - a bridge between the bubble and the world :)
DeleteThat should be 'I managed to write ... ' whoops.
DeleteI take my hat off to you(awful cliche) Jenny. Writing fantasy cannot be easy. It's a whole new world where you have to know all the rules. I smiled when I read you also like writing 'stories connected to your world' So you do come down to earth.Hah!
DeleteLOL Rita by 'my world' I meant made-up, narrative world of Nardva :D I've been living in it since I was 9 and I make up the rules (often as I go, though of course, it's then important to be consistent), so writing fantasy is easier than writing historical and so much more fun than writing contemporary - to my mind at least :) .
DeleteLove the covers on your books. Thanks for telling us more about your writing.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dale - glad you love the covers :) It was fun sharing :)
DeleteHeart of the Mountain is a particularly spectacular cover.
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks Dale :D I put a lot of thought and time into the cover, so it's wonderful to know it works.
DeleteJeanette, thanks for sharing the different genres you write. I admire the writers who can create complex and engaging worlds in the fantasy genre - not an easy thing to do. Congrats on all your book releases :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Narelle :)