
Friday 4 November 2016

Another Look at Conference Highlights

I've just returned from a lunch date at Picton where I filled in a host of details of our Omega16 conference, Mulgoa, to my sick friend who missed out. We've already had an excellent rundown from Meredith Resce, but this is entirely from my POV.

I loved our special welcome from Thomas. He meandered along the drive and approached our car then almost pushed his head through the window. I think he hoped for an apple or a carrot. Sorry time.

As we only live 45 minutes from the Edmond Rice Centre, we arrived early and met committee members setting up. I particularly enjoyed meeting our writers face-to-face. And everyone mixed well. That's important when some writers are attending for the first time. Staying in cliques can make a newbie feel 'out of it'.

Who could forget Hallee Bridgeman's passionate love scenes read by one very 'hot & bothered' lady? So much fun there. But so helpful. Surprised to find she's an extremely successful Indie Publisher with a huge fan base.

Every one of the presenters knew their topics well and were never stumped by questions. I really took in Cecily Thew Patterson's spot on Memoir Writing, as the idea of my unusual experiences as a travelling evangelist has been on my mind. I took a deeper look at my Beds I Have Slept In. Hm. Deeper than the humour I'd begun with.

Our Maori chef with his cheerful aides, presented such generous helpings. So delicious with seconds offered. And new table friends to interact with at many meals.
Narelle, Rose, Andrea, rudely photobombed by Raewyn and Heather!

And such a studious, quiet time as we pored over our writing ... NOT! It was a fabulous time of fun and fellowship. And that, my friend, (if you are thinking about attending next year) is a great atmosphere for learning everything you wanted to know about the writing, editing, social media, reviewing, writing technique - goals, motivation and conflict, understanding your characters & POV. Whew! 

Yes, there's more to writing a novel, memoir, nonfiction,             
Aussie and Kiwi friends
devotional than perhaps you ever thought. And as a writer who has been at it for some years now, I know there's always something new to learn.

And that's where a beta reader and an editor willing to assess your work is so important to you. 

I got a big kick meeting Iola Goulton. She has worked with me on my Victorian trilogy and also a couple of other stories which are still in the pipeline. You have to have a soft spot for someone with whom you share your precious words. Someone who cares enough to help you sharpen your mind processes enough to make your novels sparkle. And sharing a wry sense of humour helps big time!

Glad to see Meredith Resce accepting the position of Omega's president. A job with huge responsibility. Just as well she's a competent girl who knows the value of delegating. And I appreciate the idea of incorporating an afternoon nap. Our brains can only take in so much. :)

Currently Rita co-presents a Christian radio program with her husband, George. This is broadcast Australia-wide on local FM stations. As an author, she has written five historicals & contributed to several US anthologies.

Each year Rita and her husband minister for a month in Thailand at Buddhist schools, prisons, hospitals, orphanages and Christian churches.  see


  1. Great summary Rita - it was a fabulous time :)

    1. It sure was, Jeanette. And yet there still wasn't enough time to talk with everyone.I think we'd have to have another day just to catch up. Come to think of it, at least we have Facebook.

  2. Lovey to hear your take on the conference too Rita for those of us unable to attend.

    1. Yes Thanks, Dale, that's why I did another POV.

  3. Loved meeting up with you Rita, and your darling husband. What a great team you are! Hope to see you again next year xo

    1. George enjoyed meeting you too, Andrea. Yes next year!

  4. Hi Rita, It was lovely to see you again at #Omega16 :) Thanks for sharing your conference experience with us.

  5. THanks Narelle. It really was special!


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