My Writing Journey by Ray Hawkins
I’d rather mow the grass or go shopping or do anything before reading. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t come naturally to me. Yet I believe in the power of the written word. How come? Through hearing about or reading stories of how words changed lives. There are many stories showing the power of words for great good or terrible evil. Then of course being drawn into ministry by the Lord has made me appreciate the wonder and awesome transforming power of The Word!
My first effort in expressing myself in words was first year in Bible College. My turn came to give devotions for the faculty and students. So I wrote out my five-eight minute presentation. I then gave it to our English lecturer. Oh dear! She used a red pen and made it look like someone had been slaughtered over the pages. I still have that devotional from 53 years ago. It at least tells me I have learnt something.
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