
Tuesday 29 May 2018

Tuesday Book Chat | 29th May 2018 | Narelle Atkins

Narelle here. Welcome to our ACW Tuesday Book Chat where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.  

Do you read books as soon as you receive them?

This is a question I'm pondering today because my new novella, Solo Tu, is releasing today on Amazon Kindle. 

Let's Chat. Do you eagerly await the arrival of new books - via an electronic deposit in your reading device or a parcel in the mail or an in-store print book purchase? 


  1. I buy a lot of Roman history books from academic authors for the research for my Roman website articles. (Confession time: I think I have 100+ now, not counting the ebooks; 11 on Roman Britain alone. Bookaholic-thy name is Ashby.) I get hardcopy whenever I can for research because ebooks are much harder to earmark sections I want to use later. Those I read at least some as soon as I open the package.

    Novels...I might wait a bit. I bought the paperback of Roseanna White's latest Edwardian suspense/thriller at our local Christian bookstore, and I haven't let myself start it until I finish the last of the launch tasks for my newest that comes out today. Ebooks...I have an easier time delaying the start of reading something electronic than print.

    1. Hi Carol, I prefer to read non-fiction print books. I have a couple of writing craft ebooks and I tend to get frustrated flicking between different sections. Reading as a reward for completing certain tasks definitely works for me. :)

  2. Congratulations Narelle! I’m so precious about headspace these days that I tend to leave new books until I’ve finished either writing or the latest round of editing of my current project. Then it’s time to splurge on reading a good book!

    1. Thanks Carolyn! :) I could procrastinate and get zero writing done by catching up on reading my Kindke tbr list, lol. Priorities are important!

  3. Some books I read very quickly after receiving them, while others stay on my TBR pile for a while. Novels tend to get read a lot sooner.

    1. Hi Beth, I tend to read the shorter books first, knowing I can read the whole story in only a few hours. It’s the longer novels I tend to put off reading because I don’t have the chunk of time available to read them. :)

  4. Some but most I don't. I have so many to read and am so far behind.

    1. Hi Jenny, I live in denial regarding the size of my Kindle tbr list. One day I’ll get around to reading more books more quickly. :)

  5. I always read books as soon as I got them before I got my Kindle, but now I'm not so reliable. But I'm trying to make a point of reading books I buy when I buy them!

    My longer answer is here:

    1. Hi Iola, I remember the days when I used to have time to reread books! Now, I dream about having the time to make a dent in my tbr list. Thanks for sharing your short answer and sharing the link to your longer answer. :)


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