It is time to call them forth, to remember how it felt to risk all for the inner vision
And the vision has wings of wisdom now
No more excuses for why dreams can’t be tried
It is time, now or never
Dreams, if not lived soon will die
Dreams, if not tried on now, will fall apart like beautiful clothes left too long in a rotting attic
Blessed be the One who keeps on believing in
And blessed be the One who goes on dreaming
in us, even when we forget. Joyce Rupp
This poem was
written by one of my favourite writers. Joyce was inspired to write
it after seeing The Secret Garden, a film about adventure filled children
discovering a hidden, walled garden, thick with trees and overgrown with wild
vegetation. The children find a lost boy and bring him back to a healthy life.
They restore the garden to its former glory, weeding neglected garden beds and
planting new flower seeds, until in the Spring the garden comes alive with
Joyce writes
about the way this film made her look at her own childhood dreams; dreams that had
been buried, neglected and needed attention. It gave her hope and courage to
continue her life story of transformation, to believe there were still beautiful parts of
herself that could germinate, blossom and come to fruition.
I find this
story really encouraging. No matter how old we are, what stage of life we are
at, there is always more hidden beneath the surface, often overgrown with weeds
of lethargy or distraction or loss of hope. God always has more for us, always
wants to bless us, bless others through us, and bring us to the abundance of
life that He planned for us.
What an exciting adventure! It inspires me to
wake to each new day with a sense of anticipation and wonder. On the days when
I feel overgrown with weeds I like to think of the image of wide-eyed,
exuberant children, uncovering secret beauty, planting new seeds with hope and
faith. Such an image helps me believe in the dreams God planted in me long ago, and assures me that there is still time for blessing and beauty in my life.
How wonderful
to have written a story that inspires such hope and motivation for life! A
wonderful goal for any writer!
Inspiring post Carol. At this stage of life, I have more freedom than I've ever had. My children are grown and the responsibilities of life have changed. I'm also old enough not to care what others think when I do something they think is crazy —like heading to East Timor this week to work in a group home for abused girls.
ReplyDeleteI'll be using my writing skills to record stories and my teaching background to assess curriculum. I always wanted to travel when younger, but never got the chance. I also thought I may be a missionary one day, but actually didn't see myself living permanently overseas. I learned that mission is wherever you are. I've had the opportunity to work in Cambodia for several weeks a year for the last ten years, as well as serve at home.
Dreams are put in our heart by God and can bear fruit—even in later life.
I would agree with you, Elaine. I find myself freer to pursue long-held dreams now that my children are more independent.
DeleteMy writing call came on my 40th birthday when God impressed on me the time was right for the dream to come alive.
Great inspiration, Carol, to remember God 'always has more for us.' :)
It is a wonderful stage of life when the children are less dependent on us and we have time to give to other things. It's great to see that there are so many dreams that can come alive at this stage. God bless you all in your pursuits.
DeleteThe Secret Garden is a wonderfully inspiring story. No wonder it's a classic. Thanks for the reminder, Carol, because I've been finding it hard to enter the mother of young adults and teens stage. I've been regarding it as the end of a very sweet phase, but must remember it's also the beginning of a new one.
ReplyDeleteIt certainly is a new phase, Paula, and one I'm sure God has wonderful gifts in for you.
DeleteHi Carol, as I homeschool my children I have had to take a very slow approach to my writing due to being so busy. This post reminds me that one day it will be the time for a full bloom to take place. Thanks for the reminder.
ReplyDeleteWhat you do with your children at this stage is really precious, Catherine. The rewards go on all your life. But it's also a great blessing to find more treasures await later on. I'm sure there will be for you too.
DeleteLovely post Carol. Thanks. A bit like my father, I seem to reinvent myself (or at least what my 'career' is) every 10 years or so - from doctor, to theologian, to at-home mum and now to writer. It's a fun journey and we are never too old to pursue our dreams. My husband's father was 80 when he finally saw the fruition of one of his dreams, the establishment of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences and he was its first president for 10 years.
ReplyDeleteThe righteous will flourish like a palm tree,
they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon;
planted in the house of the LORD,
they will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still bear fruit in old age,
they will stay fresh and green
Psalm 92-12-14 NIV
Love that promise, Jeanette.
DeleteI agree, Jeanette. I look back and see that each decade has bought a new phase of life for me. Letting go of the treasures from the past is sometimes a challenge, but being free for the new is wonderful.
DeleteAh, age has nothing to do with creativity. Thanks for a lovely reminder Carol.
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to be an artist. I studied and that came to be. Then I really wanted to write and sing my own songs. I do it still. But NOW...I'm sure it's my last phase...Writing, writing writing. If The Lord gives us these gifts then He wants us to use them. It's fine to write secular (if you can cope with what publishers desire for todays' tastes) But even more wonderful to write with pleasing God in mind. Whatsoever pure, lovely, of good report etc. Stories that encourage, challenge or uplift the reader...good for the soul.
I also feel that writing is my last phase, Rita. It's what fills my soul most of all. But who knows ...? Only our Father sees the end before the beginning.
DeleteThank you Carol, the writing world is new for me, and part of putting my toe in the water has meant releasing previous priorities. The Secret Garden may have been an inspiration for you. You lovely writers are the inspiration for me. Thank you Jeanette for adding the psalm. It's a promise I will reflect on. Bless you all, Susanne
ReplyDeleteI am so glad our writers have been an inspiration for you, Susanne. I'm sure God will bless your writing, as He has done for so many of us.
DeleteThanks for your lovely post Carol and that God given wisdom from Joyce.
ReplyDeleteLovely reflective post, Carol. Music was my life - playing, singing, writing, worship-leading - until my fiftieth year when I discovered the joy of writing. Love how God leads us through phases. Love how writing can continue for as long as we can physically do it. Love how Moses did great things for God in the second half of his life. I'll never forget the moment He brought that to my attention. Thank you, Carol
ReplyDeleteCarol, thanks for your encouraging and inspiring post :) It's a helpful reminder that there's a time and season for everything. I'm still in denial that I'm heading to mid-life, lol.