
Thursday 16 July 2015

Book Review: God's Pageantry by Anne Hamilton

Review by Raelene Purtill

Anne Hamilton has done it again. What could be read as an academic treatise, has the power to touch, inform and renew our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Beyond the etymology and word derivations, scholarly appraisal and research, there is true meaning and personal application to be gleaned from ‘God’s Pageantry’.

I enjoyed and related to the personal stories that form the empirical evidence of the book. As Anne says in her opening statement, ‘How can (she) have written my story with such uncanny accuracy?’

I have learned about Threshold Guardians before – those who would stand before you and declare ‘you shall not pass.’ As a fantasy writer, they were familiar to me. New to my understanding, was the Convenant Defender - the greatest of all being Jesus Christ Himself.

Names, identity and destiny are themes I explore in my own writing. They will now be informed by the knowledge gained from Anne’s perspective.

About Raelene Purtill

Raelene holds a Diploma in Creative Arts (writing and drama), and spent more than twenty years as a television production assistant with Anglican Television and Channel 7. She has also served Harvest Creative Mission as Queensland co-ordinator for the Christian Dance Fellowship, and holds a Certificate in Creative Ministry.

She has had several short stories published, facilitates a local writing group which meets once a month, and has recently volunteered to serve as Workshop Co-ordinator with Omega Writers.


  1. Agree, it is a great book that makes us think and great review Raelene.

  2. Thanks Raelene for a great review and Dale for your endorsement. Might have to grab this one from Annie.

  3. I'm reading it at the moment. Very thought-provoking and challenging.

  4. Another important book for us to read from Annie. Thank you for the great review, Raelene.


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