
Tuesday 4 August 2015

An Author's perspective of touring a book with ACRBA

Today I am interviewing Jeanette Grant-Thomson who recently toured a book with ACRBA. I asked Jeanette share her experiences with touring her book.

Jeanette you recently toured Mirage with ACRBA (Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance), how did you find the experience?

It was a very positive experience, Jenny. I loved getting the various reviewers’ reviews and I appreciated the way you told me clearly what to do so I didn't get lost in the system. I’m still finding my way online.

How easy did you find it to tour your book i.e.: reviewer requests, interviews, time commitments?

Easy because you told me what to do. I might not have found it as easy if left to my own devices. Anyone could do it, if given clear information about what to do. It did make me very busy for two days but I had anticipated this and allowed time for it.

How did you enjoy interacting with reviewers?

LOVED it! I really enjoy interacting with people and getting feedback. Getting to know them a little.

Did you find your time rewarding being able to tour your book?

Very rewarding. I was fortunate enough to get encouraging reviews. Two in particular were very positive. I also appreciated the way other members of ACRBA shared a bit about my book (Mirage) on their blogs.

When you toured your book did you experience anything unexpected?

Yes, towards the end, another blogger asked me for an online interview, which was fun.

Would you recommend touring a book to other authors?


Are there other comments or messages you would like to give to authors or publishers considering touring a book?

It’s a great idea. I think it's a good way of getting one’s book out there and read by other readers/reviewers, getting their opinions. It is likely to generate sales by making it clear to readers whether they would like the book.

Thanks Jeanette for sharing your experience with touring a book and showing how easy it is for an author.  

If you are interested in touring a book with ACRBA or want more information please ask or go to

JENNY BLAKE (aka Ausjenny) is an avid reader. When not reading she enjoys watching cricket, in fact you could call her a cricket fanatic, scrapbooking and jigsaws. She volunteers at the local Christian bookshop where she can recommend books to customers. Her book blog is where she reviews books and interview authors. Her goal is to help promote new books and encourage authors. Her blog is at and is Co-Founder of


  1. Jenny and Jeanette, great interview! Jeanette, thanks for sharing your experiences from your blog tour :) I've toured two of my books with ACRBA and I loved the opportunity to connect with readers and reviewers. It can be daunting to ask people for reviews, and blog tours are one way we can share our books with both reviewers and readers. From a blogger/reader perspective, I also like participating as a member of ACRBA. I enjoy discovering new books and authors through the blog tours, especially in genres I don't usually read.

    1. Thanks for commenting Narelle. I agree its an easy way for authors to connect with readers and get there books out in the public eye for a week. While ACRBA is small we still read many different readers.
      (we are always looking for more reviewers)

    2. Thanks Narelle. I really enjoyed it! and I did feel the exposure of Mirage was a plus for me.

  2. Trying again since my comment didn't appear last time.
    Glad you enjoyed the experience Jeanette. It is helpful for writers and readers. Thanks go to Jenny and Narelle for this too.

    1. Thanks Dale its people like you that are willing to review that make it work also.

  3. Thanks Jenny and Jeanette. Thanks Jeanette for sharing your experience, getting reviews are such an important part of helping a book's visibility and every little bit helps. Jenny, you and the ACRBA team do a great job. I'll be keeping it in mind when Let the Sear Roar and Glimpses of Light are launched this year.

  4. Thanks Jeanette, its a great way to have the focus on a book for a week also. look forward to your submission.

    1. Thanks Jeanette. Your input is always appreciated. ( woops, passive voice!)


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