
Friday 27 November 2015

Room with a View

I recently changed around the office space I use for writing. My cubbyhole is off our laundry, and gets somewhat cold in Winter (okay, try freezing!) and pretty sunny (yep, hot) in Summer. But I love it. It's my space. A place to get into 'the zone'.

I needed to change things because writing in the dining room led to too many kitchen distractions. Writing in a comfy chair in the lounge room didn't allow space for all the notes and reference books I need for research. Writing in bed is...yeah, no. Writing at my desk works best - so I needed to make it work better.

So out went several trees-worth of paper and assorted bric-a-brac that didn't belong in my 'Regency' space. The desk got shifted from curtains and wall to a view of my back yard (which is also helpful for spotting when our chickens free-range themselves onto the back deck!). Into my line of sight came the postcards of Chatsworth and historic London, the 'I randomly quote Jane Austen' badge, the soy candle which hints of bergamot and sandalwood (classic 'gentleman's fragrance), the reference books acquired on a recent trip to the UK. It might not suit minimalist types, but these all serve as prompts to remind me of what I write and why.

My office and desk is for an author who writes Regency romance.
And I love it!

Your turn: where do you write? Do you have things that serve as writing prompts?

                                    Carolyn Miller lives in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia, with her husband and four children. A longtime lover of romance, especially that of the Regency era, Carolyn holds a BA in English Literature, and loves drawing readers into fictional worlds that show the truth of God’s grace in our lives. Her novels have won or finaled in over a dozen contests, including the 2014 RWA ‘Touched by Love’ and 2014 ACFW Genesis contests. Carolyn is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and My Book Therapy, and is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency.

Connect with her:    


  1. Regency romance? My favourite! Get writing, please!

    1. Oh, I've been writing! ;) Any favorite authors? I've been checking out the competition :) and apart from Julie Klassen (gold standard!), and Sarah Ladd (need to read more for a definitive decision), I quite like Camille Elliot - she writes with an energy I like to think I have. Georgette Heyer is the best, though! (Apart from JA, of course)

  2. For me, it doesn't matter so much where I write. I'm able to shut out the outside world and focus on the story. My daughter's recognize the look when I'm plotting, creating dialogue or working at ways to revise a story.

    1. To be able to focus like that is a gift, Terry. I think my children might recognize a similar expression on my face as they wonder when dinner will happen ;)

  3. I write in my library surrounded by my favourite books. I look out onto the garden where magpies warble, cockatoos screech, crows caw and my golden retriever chases them all.

    I love your description of your space. It sounds perfect for you right now.

    1. A library - sounds wonderful! You mention some of your favourite books surround you in your space. Which books do these include?


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