
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Getting into a writing routine

I know it's been 2016 for a little while now, but in many ways it feels like it's just beginning. The kids are back at school, after school activities have started, and work is back to normal hours.

So, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year!

Every year, the routine changes slightly. It could be new schools (I now have two kids in high school), new after school activities, or changing times for classes, or anything else that life throws at us.

With each new year, my writing routine needs to be tweaked.

Tweaking includes looking at what projects I want to work on, what challenges I'm going to do and what deadlines I have.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is to have a routine that works for ME, not someone else. There are hundreds of articles about writing routines, many involve getting up early, or writing every day, or.... do a search and you'll find them. I find getting up early doesn't work (especially as I have one child who wakes at 6am most days!), and I have a day job. Most of my writing time is in the evening after the kids are in bed.

If I try and write every day, I find I have no time for editing, so I need to balance the time so I can both write and edit.

Another lesson I've learned is the need for flexibility, especially when life throws a curve ball. The day before school went back, my older son ended up in hospital with a virus. There was no writing happening for a few days as I needed to devote my time to my son. Instead of beating myself up about it, I knew I had enough flexibility in my writing routine and deadlines to accommodate this.

It's taking time, but our new routine is falling into place.

What does your writing routine look like? Do you have a new one for the New Year?

Melissa Gijsbers lives in Melbourne and writes in between working as a bookkeeper and being the mother of two active boys. She is a blogger and author of flash fiction and children's books. Her first book, Swallow Me, NOW! is available now.

You can follow her writing journey at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melissa - I like what you said about setting a writing routine that suits YOU! It's easy to get intimidated by what other writers do and achieve, isn't it? All the best for you and your writing in 2016 :)


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