When we
write we are presenting to our readers an invitation to draw near to the
Eternal one. No one can enter into His
presence empty handed (Deuteronomy 16:16). How then can we and our words be
accepted? The reader may be a prodigal, a person unfamiliar with the Gospel or
a devoted servant. For any such readers, you in your genre, I in mine, open an
opportunity for them to meet the Lord. The following poem seeks to help us to
appreciate the wonder of having words to offer the Lord.
Words to
share with the Lord God
The Lord invites us to come into His presence.
But we cannot go there empty handed,
For sacrifice is the very essence
For not being left outside and stranded.
I came into my Heavenly Father’s presence
In the company of Jesus, The Son!
His sacrifice at Calvary, my ‘incense!’
As Christ my acceptance had won.
When I now approach the Lord
What must I offer to Him?
For I still hear from His word
“Don’t come empty handed unto Him!”
The prophet Hosea informed me,
I am to ‘turn and take words’
Why words? What words?
Sincere words without wax
Covering any heart cracks
Of neglected or sour grace,
Ingratitude or actions of bad taste.
I come empty handed to the Lord,
Though my lips repeat so many words
Already expressed in Scripture,
The Prodigal’s word claimed by me,
“I’ve sinned against heaven” and Thee!
Like him, I was received!
Isaiah beheld God’s holy glory,
Knew unworthiness’s
“Woe is me! I am undone.”
Words, the Almighty welcomed,
And purified the humbled one,
Whose lips, with new words, now pleads,
“Here I am; send me”
My Lord’s invitation bids me enter.
I go with words I want to utter,
Gratitude, Adoration, confession,
Fuelled by repentance and devotion.
Before the unseen Father I draw near
With Christ beside me this I’ll hear,
“You’re accepted, come,
have no fear.”
writes Biblically themed devotionals and poems and a weekly blog
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