
Friday 14 September 2018

More Mysteries Than We Can Imagine

Keona Tann | @ACWriters

I used to get so frustrated when someone would start to tell me something but then stops and say: ‘oh I better not tell you’. But then I realised that it was probably a prompting from the Lord for them to NOT say any more. Some people listen to that prompting and others ignore it and tell me stuff that I wished I hadn’t heard. I then have to spend hours praying to try and rid those words from my mind. I’m trying to not engage in these types of discussions but sometimes it is hard to stop people from ‘spilling’ all.

I came across a verse that reminded me very much of the ‘oh I better not tell you’ line. In John‬ ‭20:30 (NKJV) it states: “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book.”‬.‬

‭‭I read that and wondered why it was put there, is it there as a statement that Jesus did more mysteries than we can imagine? Is it there so that we press in to search for more mysteries? Or is it there so that we can know that the Bible cannot contain ALL of the wonderful things of God?‬‬‬‬
I’m not sure what the answer is, but it has sparked in me a great excitement to search for more mysteries than I can possibly imagine.

The very next verse goes on to assure us that the things that have been written are so that we may believe, with a deep abiding trust, that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed) and the Son of God. We can know that by believing; trusting in; and relying upon Him we may have life in His name. (John 20:31 Amplified version paraphrased)

As I ponder on those wonderful words I’m so encouraged that my future will unfold, one wonderful mystery after the other. I cling tight to the process of preparation that is taking place right now and ask for Jesus to reveal what I need right for this moment. As I faithfully serve in the seemingly small things, things that are within my ability right now, I trust in and rely upon Jesus to unfold more opportunities to serve Him AND the ability to do it.

Right now my future is simply a dream, a desire and sometimes seems a long way off from becoming. BUT I believe in the miraculous Jesus and I trust that my future will unfold at just the right time. I surrender yet again to the process of preparation, trying hard to wait patiently.
As I think about the mysteries yet to be revealed, I’m reminded of the promise in Jeremiah 33:3 where God invites us to call to Him. He promises that if we ask He will answer! He longs to tell us remarkable secrets; marvellous and wondrous things; and show us great and mighty things. He promises to reveal the things that are fenced in and hidden; things we do not yet know; the things we haven’t yet distinguished and recognized; things that we don’t presently have knowledge of or understand about; the things to come; and things that we could never figure out on your own. We’re urged to call to Him because He promises to answer and tell us of all that is to come! (AMPC, NLT and MSG paraphrased).

How truly amazing that is! I pray that you’re encouraged today to press in and ask for more mysteries, more than you can possibly imagine.

Lord Jesus, I thank You so much for the wonderful promises contained in Scripture. I ask that You would grow within me a deep abiding trust in You my Saviour. I believe that You are the Messiah, the Anointed One, the precious Son of God who died to set me free. As I trust in You and rely upon You, I am promised to have life and life to the abundance.

Almighty God, You invite me to call out to You and You Promise that if I ask You will answer. I ask right now that You would reveal what I need for this moment. I ask that You would reveal to me remarkable secrets; marvellous and wondrous things; more mysteries than I can possibly imagine; and please show me great and mighty things. By Your Holy Spirit reveal the things that are fenced in and hidden, things I do not yet know. Reveal to me the things I haven’t yet distinguished and recognized; things that I don’t presently have knowledge of or understand about; the things to come; and things that I could never figure out on my own. I thank You so much Lord that I can call to You and for the glorious promise that You will answer and tell me of all that is to come!

Inspired by John 20:31, John 10:10 and Jeremiah 33:3

Many Blessings, Keona

About Keona:
I’ve lived most of my life in Tasmania, which is one of the beautiful Australian states. Deliriously happily married to my college sweetheart for over 20 years, we consider ourselves extremely blessed to be raising 2 wonderful teenagers. Hubby and I have also been long time child sponsors with Compassion so we have overseas kids!
I struggled with illness and disease for most of my life. The biggest battles were: endometriosis for 28 years and adrenal/chronic fatigue which was severe for 28 months. In September 2016 healing was declared over my life, praise God, this set me on a path of deep inner healing, restoration and transformation. My passion to write was reignited and I wrote out a mission statement:
“He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.” Psalm 40:3 (NLT)
I desire to impact the world through the words I share. I long to enrich, empower and encourage others whilst delivering my stories with empathy and understanding.
In my new-found boldness I’ve started a weekly blog which you can find at:
Many Blessings, Keona

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