It was also my first ever trip to Orlando and I can vouch that the heat and humidity of Florida mid-summer was a bit of a shock coming from mid-winter New Zealand (but a very nice one!)
I needn't have worried! The conference was one of the best I have ever been. Great location, incredible classes and workshops, friendly staff and attendees and (from the view of an outsider) it all went off without a hitch which is no mean feat with 2000 attendees!
I highly recommend this conference for any romance writers. I'm definitely hoping to make it back to Denver next year :)
Slight hitch... after 29 hours of travel I made it to Orlando but my bag was still in Houston! Thankfully years of business travel had taught me to always pack my carryon with a pair of pyjamas, essential toiletries and a change of clothes.
If one must be jet lagged then recovery doesn't get much better than this!
PAN stands for "Published Author Network". RWA tier some of their workshops at their conference for different levels of authors.
With Harlequin Heartwarming author, Laurie Tomlinson, at the RITA Awards.
Flowers from my husband to celebrate my RITA final
At the huge book signing (over 200 authors participated!) that RWA hold of the final day of the conference to raise funds for a literacy charity.
Has anyone else been to a writers' conference this year? How did it go? Or if you've got one on the horizon what are you looking forward to most?

Kara, I'm so pleased you had a blast. There's real value attending writers conference that include both believers and non-believers. We can learn lots from both camps.
ReplyDeleteAnd Orlando is a fab place to conference. Did you get to any of the Disney theme parks?
Hi Ian. No, I didn't! I had one free day before the conference and I did think about it but ultimately decided that trying to recover from jet lag while standing in long lines in 35+ degrees and 100% humidity probably wasn't the smartest idea!