
Tuesday 26 June 2018

Tuesday Book Chat | 26th June 2018 | Narelle Atkins

Narelle here. Welcome to our ACW Tuesday Book Chat where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.  

Let's chat. Have you met any favourite authors in person?

My first major fan girl moment took place a decade ago. In July 2008 the lovely Debbie Macomber invited all the Australian and New Zealand conference attendees at the Romance Writers of America conference in San Francisco to a special breakfast. My Aussie writing friend Enisa Haines and I were thrilled to meet Debbie. This year Debbie is the keynote speaker at the ACFW Conference in September.

L-R: Enisa Haines, Debbie Macomber, Narelle Atkins


  1. Yes I have met a few favourite authors. (My favourite died a couple years ago and unfortunately didn't get to meet him)
    I got to meet Jillian Hart and Janet Tronstad in Spokane at a reader/author retreat. I also got to meet a few other authors on the trip. I have met a few Aussie authors including Narelle Atkins ;)

    1. Hi Jenny, I loved seeing the photos from your USA trip when you met up with Jillian and Janet and your reader friends. So much fun! It was great to meet you in Adelaide, too! :)

  2. I’ve met a number of wonderful Aussie writers, and I’m looking forward to meeting some of my favourite US writers at ACFW this year!

    1. Hi Carolyn, ACFW is the conference to go to if you’re looking to meet US Christian Fiction authors. The Awards Ceremony is lots of fun, and an opportunity for fan girl photos. Enjoy! :)

  3. Great fun question, Narelle. At ACFW in 2016 I got to have lunch with Ted Dekker which was a real treat.

    1. Hi Ian, The meals at ACFW are a wonderful opportunity to meet people. Lunch with Ted Dekker would have been amazing! :)

  4. Yes, I met Bill Crowder at a conference at my church (even got autographed copies of some of his books; if you get the Our Daily Bread devotional booklets, you will have read some of his devotions). I haven't met any fiction authors though.

    1. Hi Beth, Church conferences are a great opportunity to meet authors. Unfortunately we don’t have many Christian reader events in Australia that bring together Christian fiction authors and readers. Omega Writers have an annual Book Fair in Brisbane. Book signings and book launches are another option. I was very disappointed I couldn’t make it to Carolyn Miller’s last book launch. :)


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