
Friday 18 April 2014

A Slave No Longer

No Longer a Slave Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. Galatians 1:3-4 NRSV.

I’m no longer a slave
I’ve been set free.
No longer a slave
To sin’s depravity
Or its tyranny.

I’m no longer a slave
I’ve been redeemed.
No longer a slave
To foul memory
With its misery.

I’m no longer a slave
I’ve new meaning
No longer a slave
Because of Calvary
And Christ’s victory.

I’m no longer a slave
I’ve a new destiny.
No longer a slave
I’ve been set free
Through Christ’s agony.

I’m no longer a slave
I’ve a new family
No longer a slave
But in ministry
Sharing Christ’s mercy.

Christ has rescued me
At the cross of Calvary
Delivered me from captivity.
Now, no longer a slave
I have liberty
Through Christ’s blood
And agony
On the cross
Of Calvary!

                                                           R.N. Hawkins April 12th 2014.

Ray Hawkins is married to Mary (a Multipubl;ished author) and they have three children and six grandchildren. Ray is a retired (?) Churches of Christ minister with fifty years in that role. He was Conference President twice, President of the Tenambit/Morpeth Rotary club and is at present  President of the Beauty Point Probus club.

The latest book from EBP
Available in Christian bookshops
or direct from author.

Ray has had six '31 Day Devotional Meditations printed and one book of poems. See his blog site for details


  1. These are such great thoughts for Good Friday. Thanks, Ray!

    1. It's great to know the reality of the 'Good' Friday because of the glorious Sunday. We have a great message to share and a wonderful hope that colours our everyday. Thanks for your words Anne

  2. Beautiful post, Ray. Thanks for sharing your poem with us :)


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